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Social Security Disability (SSD) is a federal program that provides financial assistance to individuals who are unable to work due to a disability that is expected to last at least one year or result in death. The program is administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA) and provides monthly cash benefits to eligible individuals.
A Social Security Disability lawyer is a legal professional who specializes in helping individuals who are seeking Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME (SSI) benefits. These benefits are provided by the federal government to individuals who are unable to work due to a disability.
How to Apply for Social Security Disability Benefits?Injured workers, such as those that are eligible for workers' compensation, should apply for Social Security Disability benefits as soon they become disabled. You can apply for SSD benefits by scheduling an appointment with a Social Security Administration (SSA) representative or by applying online. The claims representative assigned to your case will answer any questions you may have about the application process. He or she will also handle the paperwork needed to send your claim to Disability Determination Services (DDS), which will make an initial determination as to whether you are considered disabled under the SSA’s requirements. The claims representative will also determine the disability programs for which you may be eligible, as well as determine benefits you are eligible to receive based on your work history. We highly encourage applicants to speak with a Social Security disability attorney before beginning the application process. An attorney will be able to explain the process for filing for benefits and gather the documents needed to submit a claim.
How can a Social Security representative help me with the application?Nearly 60 percent of all new claimants initially refuse disability benefits, and nearly 90 percent of claimants seek the assistance of a representative at some point in the process. The process of finding denied claims and filing an appeal is often complicated, and your chances of success are much better with the help of an experienced disability attorney. Hiring an attorney can increase your chances of approval and help you avoid denials due to interference or other common mistakes. Our experienced attorneys can help you gather the information you need to successfully process your claim and ensure you follow the necessary steps to receive your benefits. If you hire a disability attorney to help you with your application, they will guide you through the following process: Preparation: Preparing your application, including gathering the necessary documents and other information, is an essential part of the application process . A lawyer can help you gather the necessary documents to support your claim, such as: B. Personal information (including information about your children or spouse); military information, if applicable; tax forms; bank account information; addresses and telephone numbers; detailed medical records and references; drug history; previous proof of occupancy ; and information about all other disability pension entitlements. You must submit complete documentation to the SSA, and determining what information is required for your application can be a difficult process. An attorney can help ensure your claim meets SSA requirements, which can speed up the claim process. It can also help you collect documents that you cannot access yourself. Communications: An attorney may track the status of your application, notify you of any requests for new information, and speak to Social Security Administration (SSA) officials on your behalf to address any questions that arise regarding your application can . At Morgan & Morgan, we understand that many applicants are working and caring for their families and may not have time to deal with SSA while their application is being processed. Application Completion: If your disability application is approved, your attorney will review the SSA calculation to determine if any important information has been omitted or errors made. They'll also answer any questions you have about the new benefits. Appeal: If your claim for benefits is not granted, you can contact an attorney.
Appealing a Denied Social Security ClaimIf your application for SSD has been denied, or you believe you were not compensated properly, you may appeal the decision by filing a written request within 60 days of receiving the decision letter. Your claims will then go through four levels of appeal, including: Reconsideration: If your initial application for benefits has been denied, your attorney will file a request for reconsideration. During this stage, a claims examiner who was not involved in the initial review process will reconsider your application. They will take into consideration any new evidence that you or your attorney have uncovered to supplement your claim. Your attorney can respond on your behalf to any questions posed by the claims examiner during this stage. Hearing: If your claim is repeatedly denied, or if you do not agree with the results, the next step is to request a hearing by an administrative law judge. During this stage, your attorney may prepare you for questions that could be asked at your hearing; request the judge to subpoena witnesses vital to proving the legitimacy of your claim; argue your case before the judge; question witnesses and experts; present new evidence or information you believe was not reviewed properly; and, if you have already been awarded benefits, ask the judge to review and reassess the calculations. Appeals Council: If the judge's determination does not suit your needs, and you are dissatisfied, you could ask to be reviewed by the Social Security Appeals Council. However, know that the Council is not required to grant you another hearing. If you are granted a secondary determination, your case may be resolved or presented to the administrative judge. If the latter occurs, your attorney will essentially have to repeat the steps taken in the initial hearing. Federal Court: If your claim is denied for review in front of an ALJ, or if you disagree with the Appeal Council’s decision, you can file a lawsuit in federal district court.
Types of Social Security Disability BenefitsDisability Insurance Benefits (SSD or SSDI): This is most popular benefit provided by the SSA. Disability insurance benefits cover millions of people who were recently employed but are now disabled. Eligible applicants include those who have worked a total of at least five of the 10 years before developing their disabilities. Dependents, including children and spouses, may also be able to collect if a parent qualifies for SSDI. Disability benefit amounts are based on the applicant’s work history and earnings. Disabled Adult Child Benefits (DAC): Disabled children between the ages of 18 and 22 may be eligible for benefits if their parents receive Social Security retirement benefits or SSD, or are deceased. Disabled Widow or Widower (DWB): These benefits are provided to widows or widowers over the age of 50 who develop disabilities within seven years of their spouses' deaths. The widow or widower is required to have been married to the deceased for a minimum of 10 years.
Am I Eligible for Social Security Disability Benefits?The SSA has created a five-step process to determine whether an application for SSD is approved. The criteria include the following: Step One: Is the applicant working? The SSA will not consider a person for disability if they make more than a specified amount each month. If they make less than the designated amount, the SSA will take a more in-depth look at the applicant’s medical condition. Step Two: Is the applicant’s medical condition severe? For the SSA to rule the applicant “disabled,” the medical condition must prevent the applicant from performing basic functions of work for at least one year. If this is the case, the SSA will look at step three. Step Three: Is the applicant’s medical condition on the SSA’s list of disabling conditions? If the applicant’s medical condition is not on the list of illnesses that automatically qualify for disability, the SSA will check to see if the condition is as severe as those on the list. If the condition does not fit the list, the SSA will look at step four. Some of the SSA’s disabling conditions include: Mental disorders, such as bipolar disorder, autism, depression, panic attacks, anxiety, schizophrenia and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Musculoskeletal system problems, such as back and spine conditions, arthritis, amputations, fractures, carpal tunnel syndrome, scoliosis and fibromyalgia Skin disorders, such as psoriasis, burns and ichthyosis Respiratory illnesses, such as asthma, emphysema, primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH), cystic fibrosis and lung transplants Immune system disorders, such as multiple sclerosis (MS), HIV/AIDS, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis Digestive tract problems, such as Crohn’s Disease, liver disease, hepatitis and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Impairments that affect multiple body systems, such as lyme disease and metabolic disorders Senses and speech issues, such as vision, hearing and speech loss Endocrine disorders, such as diabetes, thyroid problems, neuropathy and obesity Cardiovascular conditions, such as heart failure and coronary artery disease Neurological disorders, such as cerebral palsy, stroke, traumatic brain injury (TBI), Parkinson's disease and epilepsy Genitourinary impairments, such as chronic renal (kidney) disease and chronic hemodialysis Hematological disorders, such as sickle cell disease, hemophilia and myelofibrosis Malignant neoplastic diseases, such as leukemia, lymphoma and most kinds of cancer Step Four: Can the applicant perform the work they did before? The agency will review the applicant’s claim and decide, based on the applicant’s injury, whether they are capable of performing the work they did before the injury. If they cannot, the SSA will move to step five. Step Five: Is the applicant capable of performing any other work? The SSA will review the applicant’s age, medical condition, education, past work experience, and skills to determine if they can perform gainful employment in a different capacity. If the applicant is not physically capable of performing other work, the SSA will rule the applicant “disabled.” Work Eligibility Tests: In addition to the aforementioned requirements related to disability, applicants must meet two tests the duration of work test and the recent work test, to qualify for benefits.
Social Security Disability Work Credit RequirementsThe SSA determines whether workers have worked long enough to receive benefits by calculating the amounts they should receive and converting their earnings into work credits. A worker can earn four credits for a year of work, depending on his or her yearly income (one-quarter of coverage, or QC) changes every year. In 2017, a worker will earn one work credit for every $1,300 of wages or self-employment income. However, when the worker earns more than $5,200, they are capped for the year as he or she received four credits. The formula for this number is complicated, but it is recalibrated annually and never decreases.
Social Security Death BenefitsSocial Security is meant to be a form of protection for working parents and their families. If a parent dies, their children may be entitled to receive benefits to compensate for the financial loss. Unmarried children may collect benefits after a parent’s death if they are: Younger than 18 Between the ages of 18 and 19, but are enrolled as full-time students at secondary schools Ages 18 and older, but have serious disabilities that manifested before they were 22
Benefits for Disabled ChildrenSupplemental Security Income (SSI) may be able to help families with children who have severe disabilities if they have minimal income and limited resources. These benefits may be paid regardless of a parent’s ability to work, and will continue as long as a child is disabled and unable to provide for himself or herself financially. Children may be eligible for SSI Disability insurance if: They have physical or mental conditions that are so severe that they result in serious functional limitations They have these conditions for at least 12 months The conditions will likely be the cause of the their deaths They are not gainfully employed and doing work the SSI administration considers “substantial work”
Why Are People Denied Social Security Disability?The following are the main reasons SSD applicants are initially denied: Past Convictions: Generally, prior convictions will have no bearing on the ability to collect SSD benefits. However, convicts will not be eligible for benefits if the disability manifested during the commission of a felony; the disability arose or worsened while in a correctional facility; they intentionally orphaned or widowed themselves to receive benefits; or parole or probation is violated. Disability Stems From Drug or Alcohol Dependence: If the applicant has a drug or alcohol addiction that was a material contributing factor to the disability, they will not be eligible for benefits. Refusal to Cooperate: The SSA requires applicants to submit their treating doctors’ medical records. Failure to comply may result in the denial of SSD. For applicants who do not have a treating doctor, the SSA will request an examination with one of their doctors. Applicants who miss their appointments or refuse the consultative examinations may be denied. Fraud: The SSA may terminate an applicant’s benefits if they obtained SSD by lying on their application and may be prosecuted for fraud. Short-Term Disability: To be eligible for SSD benefits, the SSA must determine that the injury or impairment, such as those sustained in a car accident, will last for at least a year or will be fatal. Blind applicants are the only exception.
Long-Term Disability BenefitsSome individuals have long-term disability (LTD) insurance policies through their jobs, carry their own coverage, or have these policies worked into their pension plans. Similarly to SSD, LTD compensates disabled employees for a portion of the income they would have received if they were working. LTD has its own set of complicated rules and tests that determine eligibility and payout amounts, and, oftentimes, claimants are required to apply for SSD and LTD simultaneously. While SSD policies have a set of standardized rules and procedures, those which govern LTD policies can vary. Insurance companies have a history of routinely denying LTD policy claims and may stop payment prematurely even if the individual is still sick, injured or disabled. If you have applied for long-term disability (LTD) assistance and have had your claim denied or had your benefits end prematurely, contact us today by filling out a [free case evaluation](/free-case-evaluation/) for assistance. We may also be able to assist if you have not yet applied for benefits or have already been denied.
Where to find more information about Social Security Disability?(877) 560-0603 37 Mechanic St #200, Worcester, MA 01608, United States. Office Hour- Mon - Fri : 8:00 Am - 6:00 Pm Saturday : Closed Sunday : Closed
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